If we make a list of
the most important programming languages,we will come two level. There
are many best programming languages that
just will not die and continue to be used in their personal field . There
are some new programming languages it have managed to make their mark and alone
with then on the technology world.
I will be
telling you here about the 20 most important programming languages in the
world–a list lid the best of too old and
new programming languages.
The world
have in 20 most important programming languages .
ALGOL created in 1958 , it stands for
Algorithmic Language .This was one of the first try made to create a
programming language that can be use on different machines.
Today is use of ALGOL is basic but
the background of many major programming languages can be paint back to it.
Common Business-Oriented Language–is creat
on 1959 and it find its use in large business systems like banking,insurance
Even today pc computers running in
government departments, banks, basic power stations use cobol and it’s however
make and develop.
FORTRAN create in 1957, it's–named after
Formula Translat–can be advise the first general-purpose programming language
that was use for high-duty scientific computing.
Today, it close finds its use in the
engineers,scientific and physical community.
4. ADA
The programmer named after Ada Lovelace,
ada is an object-oriented programming language that’s long time from languages
like Pascal.
This programming language developed in
1980 ,it's use in army and air traffic control due to its safety food.
5. PL/I
Creat in 1964 and receiv in 1969, PL/I
stands for Programming Language One . Create
by an IBM session , this language lost its favorite in 1970s. Though, PL/I is still use in IBM System/360 pc due to International
Business Machines’s power in tecnology.
After pascal name well know mathematician
Blaise, this language was create in 1968 that unhealthy in 1980s. One of the most popular childs of ALGOL, Pascal is only educate as
object-brilliant programming at any
First lisp create in 1958,launch for list
processing .It is the 2nd oldest high level programinig language
finds its use today.
The contemporary presence talking about,lisp
is a popular programming language in AI field.
8. C
C is one of the most famous programming
languages of all time.Plan by dennis Ritchie. It easy
language is know for its move on that can be use to entry low level step of a
Many others programming languages of
Mother –Python, PHP, Perl, MATLAB–C is also use to write a large chunk of Unix,
Windows, and Linux operating process.
9. C++
C++ programing language is creat between
1979 and 1983 . Its a general target and object orient.
There are lots of software–around from games, office action,
video players and even operating systems–that are write in C++. You use the most popular software that daily life are write in c++,c and
objective _c.Its high chances software.
10. JAVA
Java is first present 21 years ago in 1995 . Microsystem
james terget Developed by sun . It is simple to use follow an object-orient than model one of effect C++.
Java is the most popular operating system
write world. Again, Java continues to power millions of
client-server web development applications and establish own as the most
popular programming language.
Javascript desined by brench eich then
working at netscape.Its high level and Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Javascript,Html and Css are one of three
important technology it use to publish web development content
12. C#
C#, say as C
Sharp, its develop by Microsoft in 2000. It is plan for use in remind. NET frames,This simple and object-oriente programming language use to
make a difference of applications that
target windows location.
Scala is creat
Martin odersky in 2004.It is inspire the criticism of java . This general purpose programming language highlight a lot of functional
and fix attitude. It’s one of the most popular Java Virtual Machine script
languages. Scala too find use in data science.
Python is Create by dutch programmer Guido
van Rossum.It is design with an aim to write simple and clear code.
Python is the most popular programming
languages, it accept to write one code in some lines. It is a great language
for teaching programming at school. Python is use
by management like Google, NASA, Yahoo and CERN. It too find
importen request in the mathematical community, data and aI field.
15. SQL
SQL (Structured
Programming Language) is design by donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce.
Basical drink relative calculus and
relational algebra, this special-purpose programming language is generally use
a standard for relational database management systems
16. RUBY
Ruby is a powerful, general target and
object-oriente programming language is develop in 1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto.
Power by Perl, Ada, Eiffel and Lisp, Ruby
comes with automatic memory management and supports different programming
example. It is use to create Ruby, along with web
development frame applications easily.
17. PHP
PHP is design by Rasmus Lerdorf in
1994.Its originally stand for personal home page.though , its now stand for
highpower PC.
That general idea programming language is
one of the most commonly use technologies in server-side development. It’s use to make powerful websites and set up own the backbone of
18. R
The most popular programming language is
R,when we talk about analytical computing, data mining, and mathematical data
analysis. Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993
its design .
19. GO
Go or Golang create in 2009 to handle its
back servers and networking applications.It is also an attractive tool to make
automation means for developers. Its fast
programming language follows Unix’s basis of “Do you one thing and it good .
Apple is very
fast develop by introduced in 2014 . This is develop as a replacement of
target-C. Fast is one of the fastest developing
Its use that finds programing languages
creating iOS,macOS,tvOS and watchOS applications.
Are we miss some important programming
language in our list? Don’t forget to fell your views and under the comments
area .